Frequently asked questions

What is the benefit of using our legal services when you want to come to the UK or extend or switch?

Our speciality lies in the field of Immigration, Nationality and EU Law, so it means we always are dealing with this side of the law. We are able to support you in making a correct decision, avoid delays on your case, save money and time, not forgetting the stress of any doubts with your application.


There are many routes available to come to the UK, extend or switch, some of them do not allow extension or even switching. Knowing what is right can be a difficult task and this is why we are here. Simple task of not using the prescribed forms can mean your application is invalid, which means if you have no valid stay, you would have to return back and there is no appeal rights.


Our initial consultations are a chargeable service. We initially discuss the requirements of the application to ensure you meet the requirements and have the documentation required at hand for the submission. It gives you an opportunity to meet us and ask questions.


Each case will be checked thoroughly, everything will be cross referenced so guidelines are met and we will also add our legal document which would outline the Immigration Rules and how the client has satisfied the rules. We use documents that are used by Home Office case workers, so we know exactly what they would look for in your case.


The most important fact is that law constantly changes, policy guidelines and requirements are always changing, so it is best that you always use specialised services to support you. We never compromise our services, our fees remain very competitive but our expertise is at the very highest standard.

What happens in the initial consultation?

Your case worker would take some background information regarding yourself. Relevant questions would be asked to ascertain whether your case can be handled by our team. You will also be able to ask questions, understand what is required to meet the Immigration Rules, Nationality Law and EU Law where relevant. Should we be able to provide assistance, your case worker will give you a customer care letter whereby it would outline the service agreement and the cost associated.

What is a customer care letter?

A customer care letter from us will ensure that we outline the service we would be providing, it would also provide a break down of the costs associated so you can rest assure that there are no hidden charges and that fees do not go up unless changes are made (i.e. Home Office fees etc).

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FLR FP (Further leave to remain, family and private life)

The FLR FP visa application route means further leave to remain, and according to the F and P categories. Whereas F refers to family life and P refers to private life.

Basically, the FLR FP application form is a human rights application, allowing you to extend your Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK. In easy word, flr meaning to allow you to extend your ILR. If you would like to live in the United Kingdom permanently, depending on your family/private life ties, or partner, then you need to use the FLR FP application online form.

The average waiting time for a decision to be made by the UK Visa & Immigration Team is around 12 weeks on average, however, this could take longer for the FLR FP application approval. The application fee is pretty much high, the FLR FP fees 2021 are £1,033 and you have to provide £1,033 FLR FP fees for each dependent member of your family.

What is FLR FP

The FLR FP form means that Further Leave to Remains according to the F and P categories. F is referred to as family life and P is referred to private life according to the United Kingdom immigration process. If you would like to obtain further leave to remain, then you must submit this application form.

It is important to note that, if the applicant does not have any legal leave in the United Kingdom, they may be entitled to further leave to remain (FLR m), which can be given to them based on exceptional circumstances.

How long does the FLR FP application take?

Suppose, you want to live in the UK as a permanent resident with your family members or partner, then you need to submit an FLR FP application form to extend your residency period in the United Kingdom. As the dependent child, or partner with other persons who have permanent residence, in the UK. There are some categories to apply for FLR FP application online:

  • Those people are leaving in the UK for a permanent resident such as (10 years route).
  • If your parents have permanent settled, or residence, or British citizen (such as 5 to 10 years route).
  • Those children are dependent on their parent's they are able to apply for further leave to remain in the United Kingdom.
  • Applicant must have under the private life in the United Kingdom (such as 10 years route).

The FLR FP online form is the further leave to remain application form that is submitted online. If you would like to live in the United Kingdom for a long-term residence with your family members, such as your parents or partners, then you need to apply using the FLR FP online application platform.

What is an FLR FP visa?

The FLR FP visa is a further leave to remain that refers to the family and partner visa categories of the UK visa immigration process. The FLR FP form is required to apply to remain in the UK based family life. This may include family life as a partner, or child dependent, or based on the private life in the United Kingdom.

The FLR FP visa plays a crucial part in living with family members or partners in the United Kingdom. The cost or fee is an important factor for most Applicant's and the FLR FP fees 2021 in the United Kingdom are relatively little high. If applying as a single applicant, then the FLR FP fees 2021 will be £1,033, but if you would like to apply for your family, then you have to pay £1,033 FLR FP application cost for each dependent of your family.

The exact processing time for FLR in 2021 (further leave to remain) can depend on your UK immigration status. If you would like to live in the UK with your family for long-term residence, or permanent residence, then you need to apply for the FLR FP application form online. If you submit your FLR FP application form, the average service level set by the UK Visa and Immigration teams is around 12 weeks. In some instances, you may be able to expedite your application decision making however this depends on your immigration status and your application to extend.

Get in touch with our Expert Immigration Lawyers to Prepare How to Apply for an FLR FP visa

What is the FLR FP application?

You have to fill the application form online, and you have to submit your FLR FP online. The paper version of the application no longer exists. The complete application process has changed and through the digital platform, you would be able to book the visa appointments.

There are some instances whereby those who apply under the FLR m visa route, may not qualify for that visa category. They are then switched into the categories, normally referred to as the 10 years route to settlement and that application needs to be extended using the FLR-FP application form. Both those visa routes lead to settlement also referred to as indefinite leave to remain.

Here is some useful guidance when considering to make your application using the form FLR-FP and you must ensure you meet the relevant requirements of the immigration rules in order to succeed within the visa category. Most applications under FLR-FP are refused because the Applicant did not complete the application form correctly.

  • You have to use the FLR-FP application form.
  • You have to submit all of your documents (like your family and your private life documents).
  • Who would like to apply on this form for FLR m (like your civil partner, adult children, parents, and others) should be included.
  • You must pay FLR FP application fees 2021 (like £1,033, or more).
  • You have to apply at a certain time (you should apply 28 days before the end of your expiration date). Early applications could lead to a rejection or a refusal of an FLR-FP application.
  • You should ensure that all documents are correct and clear.
  • You must provide your biometric data.
  • You have to provide a passport, travel document (If you have), national identity card, and other valid papers these are needed for the immigration application.
  • Applying in-person (who would like to get this service), and appointments.
  • You need to prove that you have good English proficiency.

You must provide all the correct documents or information to support the application, and you need to submit your FLR FP application form 2021.

You will need 12 weeks to process your application. The Home Office may charge additional fees. ICS Legal is one of the most renowned immigration law firms in London, and we have professional Immigration Lawyers/Solicitors.

We provide advice and helping guidance to resolve your immigration issues. ICS Legal provides helpful support to our Client's and we have been dealing with UK immigration matters for more than 2 decades.

UK Visas And Immigration UK spouse visa UK Immigration Lawyers UK Fiance Visa

Call us today on 0207 237 3388 or e-mail us your circumstances to You are strongly advised to take legal advice prior to applying for FLR-FP leave to remain application. This page is for information purposes only.

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