Our Values & Ethics

ICS Legal through a wealth of experience and client journey makes us unique, both in its culture and its approach to law. We have been recognised as one of the best law firm in the UK on our work in UK Immigration Laws, British Nationality Laws, Human Rights Laws & the European Regulations. 

Our legal team works closely with the Home Office, Foreign Office, British Embassies, British High Commissions, Government Legal Department, First Tier Tribunals, Upper Tribunal and the Administrative Court, bringing in a wealth of experience and knowledge in your legal matter. 

This then supports on the way in which we provide our legal advice to you as we are far more, better positioned in providing a more comprehensive legal advice unlike other firms who may provide little advice or would seek outside legal counsel or lawyers on advice or guidance. 

At ICS Legal, we deal with our client's legal matter with care and fairness, helping to bring strategic solutions to deliver the most desired outcomes. Our ways of working, promotes a culture of supporting our client's through their legal journey, and we enhance our support to bring in client retention.

To give you an understanding of our values and ethics, which we promote in our firm, here is some information to explain how we work. 

  1. In most cases, we will recommend a consultation with us, so that our Lawyers can understand your matter fully. We are so confident in our legal advice, that we provide this in writing with no extra costs to you. Unlike most of other firms, this is not standard but we really know what we are doing here at ICS Legal. Over 95% of our client's finds our consultation useful, helps them make an informed decision before they embark on an application or an appeal route. 

  2. When you instruct us, we will initially give you directions based on the information we hold but in most cases, we will ask for more. Experience tells us that the more information and evidences we have in your matter, the better we can prepare your legal case. We promote the culture to look at your legal matter in its own merits, therefore provide a more committed and attention to your matter alone. 

  3. Costs are important to our client's, so in almost all matters, we have our costs fixed. Regardless of what further work may be required on your case, we promise to abide by the original fixed fees agreed to undertake your case. 

  4. The aftercare service is the backbone to ICS Legal's ways of working because we truly believe in client relationship and retaining our client's. We always promote to do more for our client's. 

We have a dedicated High Escalation Team who can be contacted on clientsupport@icslegal.com should there be of a need. We love feedbacks as this makes us better and we strive to serve our client's matter with care, diligence and fairness.

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